What Are My Nails Telling Me?

What Are My Nails Telling Me?

Whatever changes you notice in your body externally are associated and correlate to the changes happening inside your body and are directly related to your metabolism. For example, do you ever observe changes in your nails out of the blue? Have you ever wondered why a...
What Is Intermittent Fasting?

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Are you tired of following a strict low-calorie diet? Believe it or not, Fast and Feast diets, which include skipping meals one day and then eating the other day, works wonders and are not a tough row to hoe either. What is an Alternate-Day Fasting Plan? As the name...
Mindset – The Importance Of Brain Health

Mindset – The Importance Of Brain Health

My coworkers and I were chatting during lunch the other day. Three of the nurses were talking about feeling tired all the time. Sandy commented that she wants to start exercising. She thinks that she would have more energy if she would exercise but she just feels too...
What Is Our Urine Telling Us?

What Is Our Urine Telling Us?

Your urine can reveal a lot about your health and lifestyle. Urine has been used as a diagnostic tool since the dawn of medicine. For example, it can show what’s going on in your body about the level of hydration. When blood flows through the kidneys, extra waste and...