Have you been eating at odd hours lately just because your stomach is telling you to do so? There are certain signals that our body sends us and often we misunderstand them, ending up eating more and more.


Stomach produces a hormone that sends hunger signals to the brain


When your body requires something, for example, hydration or energy from food, it sends signals to your brain. The main thing is that you must be able to understand those signals. When you are hungry, a hormone called Ghrelin is released into the stomach. The production of this signaling hormone is increased when you are not eating appropriately or when you change your eating patterns.


How do you know that your stomach is asking for food?


Hunger and appetite are two different things. Your desire to eat something is your appetite, whereas when your body exhibits a biological response to lack of food, then it is hunger. When your tummy feels that it must be fed at the moment, it starts to send signals to the brain. There are various ways to understand this biological response, such as when you are hungry, you may feel emptiness in your stomach, you might hear gurgling or rumbling sounds in the tummy, you may also feel dizziness or headaches, etc. So these are a few signs that your body may exhibit to tell you that you should eat something.


Do you know that your body adapts to your eating patterns


When you develop a habit of eating 6 times daily, your body learns that pattern and expects you to eat 6 times every day. And if you skip one of these meals, your gut starts sending you signals telling you that it’s time to eat. This communication arises from the microbial flora of the gut. To survive, these microbes transmit signals to the brain and tell the body that you are hungry and need to eat food.

You can train your body to get used to intermittent fasting.


Intermittent fasting is different from dieting. In dieting, you are conscious about what to eat. But during fasting, it’s all about when to eat. When you add fasting to your lifestyle, your body learns to cope with it. It automatically adapts to certain changes that occur at the time of fasting. This learning curve might be slow and subtle, but then, your body gets used to it.


Should you be eating every time your body sends hunger signals?


Sometimes, you have a habit of overeating. Under these circumstances, your body adapts to this pattern of overeating and sends hunger signals now and then. So, these signals are not really for survival, rather they emerge as a result of your eating habits.


How to help your body achieve healthy eating habits?


You can enjoy a healthy lifestyle just by changing your eating habits and patterns. These changes might be difficult and slow in the beginning, but gradually, you get a very positive outcome.


Training yourself to fast is one of the best things you can do for your body. Apart from this, when not fasting, try to follow a proper and healthy nutrition plan. Fantastic life, an app created by nutritionists and naturopaths, enables you to get personalized nutrition plans for yourself, thus helping you to live your life fantastically.