Are you sensitive to Gluten or Grains?
Do you feel sick, gassy, tired, or bloated after eating gluten? This might be an indication of gluten or grain sensitivity. Gluten is a component of many foods, including various types of grains. You would find it abundantly in wheat also.
Food sensitivity is not something new. It affects many individuals every year globally. One of the most common grain sensitivity or allergies is wheat allergy. However, various cereals and grains like barley, rye, and corn, can also cause sensitivities. And yes, the symptoms and reactions can be severe. These grain sensitivities can develop at any age. However, the majority are noticed at an early age. So, it is vital to know the symptoms and reactions of gluten sensitivity, diagnose them, and take measures to get them off your diet.
What is Gluten? What are the causes and symptoms of Gluten sensitivity?
Wheat, Barley, Rice, and many other grains contain a protein called gluten. It is commonly found in many foods and drinks, such as cereals, beer, and pasta. You can also find it in certain medications, vitamins, and cosmetics.
How do you know if you have gluten intolerance? If you get sick or tired after eating gluten-containing food, you might be sensitive to gluten. Gluten intolerance is also termed NCGS or Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. This intolerance can be caused by various potential causes, including non-celiac gluten sensitivity, celiac gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergy.
What exactly causes gluten intolerance is still unknown. However, many pieces of research show that it might not be gluten sensitivity. Instead, it can be sensitive to a carbohydrate found in many eatables. When the body doesn’t absorb these carbohydrates appropriately, they stay in the gut and eventually get fermented. As a result, people feel sick.
According to another research, wheat might affect the lining of the digestive system. This lining, which prevents the leakage of microorganisms from your intestine, does not perform its function appropriately. As a result, the bacteria are free to enter the bloodstream or liver. This ends up in inflammation.
If you are sensitive to gluten, you might feel the following symptoms once you eat something that contains gluten. The symptoms include anxiety, abdominal pain, gas or bloating, fatigue, joint pain, headache, skin rash, nausea, vomiting, brain fog, diarrhea, constipation, and even anemia. Some gluten intolerant individuals also experience IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
So yes, Gluten sensitivity affects your body processes beyond the Digestive Tract.
Gluten intolerance, Skin problems, and thyroid, what is the link?
If you have gluten sensitivity, you will face specific uncomfortable skin problems ranging from acne and eczema to dermatitis and psoriasis. Gluten sensitivity may cause inflammation in the underlying skin layers, and this causes burning, rashes, redness, itchiness, and painful blisters.
There is a connection between these skin conditions and Your Thyroid. The thyroid hormones, which have receptors on every body cell, can potentially disrupt your cell metabolism even when the thyroid is in an underactive state. Low thyroid function significantly affects your gut, reflected in your skin. Moreover, inappropriate thyroid functioning may also reduce blood flow to your skin and other organs, like the brain.
Is there a relation between Hormonal imbalances and Gluten sensitivity?
Many hormone-related problems can be linked to gluten sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity can stress out adrenal glands in response to the inflammatory reactions happening in the digestive tract. If it is occasional, there is not much to worry about because it will not interfere with the ability of standard adrenal functionality. However, if you are intolerant to gluten, you will experience this inflammation every time you eat gluten-containing food. This puts constant stress on adrenals. And since adrenals are responsible for developing the essential building block sex hormones, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, the pressure would lead to a hormonal imbalance, eventually ending up in issues like anxiety and depression and more.
What should you do if you are sensitive to Gluten or Grains?
There is no actual treatment for gluten intolerance. However, you will undoubtedly get relief from the symptoms of this condition if you follow a gluten-free diet. Some researches also show that certain enzymes can help you digest gluten. Moreover, adding probiotics to your diet may also help by increasing the number of helpful bacteria in the gut.
The best approach is to visit a healthcare provider or a dietician who would plan a suitable diet plan for you.
You are always welcome to visit our nutritionist and healthcare website, Fantastic Life. We are here to serve you with the best possible information regarding the relationship between various diets and their effects on your body, especially your hormones, to help you understand your body and lead a healthy life.